"The pain pushes you until your vision pulls you." - Rev. Michael Beckwith
Welcome to eclipse season! And it looks to be a doozy. The June 1 partial solar eclipse in jumpy Gemini gets things going, followed by a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 15 and another partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 1. Eclipses are known for bringing abrupt change, especially when they hit sensitive points in your chart. Adding to its catalytic potential, this eclipse series occurs during the final, Universal Underworld of the Mayan Calendar. During this Ninth Wave (9 March to 28 October), according to Carl Calleman, time is accelerated 20-fold; we will experience the same amount of change as occurred from 1999 until a few months ago. Consciousness is rapidly evolving as dimensions merge and a new world is born. It's our choice: adapt and flourish or resist and suffer.