How I love this time of the year. The Spring Equinox has passed and whilst we have had a wonderful amount of rain this Winter, it is nice to see the Sun finally out, warming the Earth, encouraging life to spring forth. And so it does with the wisteria that hangs over the Temple bursting into flower. So now, even before we enter the Temple, we are reminded of the beauty and increasing abundance of this time of year
All around the signs of the world waking up can be seen. With daylight savings occuring next weekend, I find that I am waking around 5:00am to the birds who have nested in the trees outside my window. Activity is abound, even those plants whose benefits have yet to be discovered (or remembered - aka "weeds" ) are taking advance of this time of the year.
At first the natural energies at this time of the year may appear to be rather sluggish as they break free for Winter's hold and venture into the exuberant expansion of Spring. In just over a week I have watched the wisteria that covers the porch of the Temple quickly change from catkins to full flower, relasing their delicate scent into the air.
All around us the Goddess blankets the Earth with fertility as She too is bursting forth from Her sleep. To keep the balance of polarity, the young God appears to have also risen from his slumber, casting of the cloak from the Underworld. He now grows into maturity, taking much delight in the abundance of nature that surrounds him.
Now is the time for us to also cast aside the restrictions of the colder months, to take a fresh look at things for as the air warms and activity fastens around it, now is the perfect time for new beginnings, for focusing on the future while we leave the past where it is best sutied - in the past.
There also seems to be an urgency about for we are all too well aware that as the Wheel has rolled passed the Spring Equinox, with the warming days, so too comes the power of the Sun. Here in South Australia our Sun can be extremely fierce, especially over the Summer months, so while the air is warming, we only have a couple of months to really make the most of things before the heat begins to drain all life force again. Still, that is months away and now is the time to focus on the present.
Blessings - Frances
Blessings - Frances
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