The term "esbat" is believed to have originated from a similar root as the word "estrus, from the Greek meaning "of the month" and referring to the fertile hear periods of female mammals. Within many modern Pagan beliefs, an "esbat" relates to a gathering, usually in celebration, of a particular phase of the Moon.
More commonly, these esbat gatherings coincide with the Full Moon (the Mother aspect of the Goddess), as the late Doreen Valiente indicated that in Aradia (the Gospel of the Witches) full moon rites were known as "esbats" in the rest of Europe. However, later, in her book The Rebirth of Witchcraft, she specifies that there were "Full Moon esbats" in order to distinguish these rites from other esbat gatherings, such as those that occurred around the New Moon (the Maiden aspect).
The term "esbat" in this sense, therefore was described by Margaret Murray in her book Witch Cult in Western Europe: A Study in Anthropology. Here, Murray claimed that "The Esbat differed from the Sabbat by being primarily for business. ... very often the Esbat was for sheer enjoyment only."
Murray used alleged 16th and 17th century French sources on supposed Wytches' sabbats in the context of the European Wytch trials to "reconstruct" her opinion of there being a Wytch cult in Western Europe. The Old French term "esbat" (Modern French "ébat") meant amusement or diversion, with a connotation of frolicking.
With all that aside, Full Moon Meditation and Healing Circles (esbats) hosted by the Temple of the Dark Moon are held at the Isian Centre of Metaphysics (Parafield Gardens) during 2017. While these circles are semi-open to the public, there are strictly a limit in the number of people who can attend.
At each of these circles, all participants, regardless of experience or spiritual persuasion, are made to feel welcome and are encouraged to participate - for it is only through actual personal participations that the full experience can be obtained and content.
A healing circle will take place where energy is raised and directed to those in need. Bring a photograph, image or some small item that connects you to the person requiring healing if possible.
Full Moon Meditation and Healing Circles commence at 7.30pm so participants should ensure that they arrive by 7.25pm. The dates for the rest of 2017 are:
Wednesday, 4 October,
Saturday, 4 November, and
Sunday, 3 December.
Please email Frances or text her on 0401 967754 for further details (text message).